Frequently asked questions for product prospects

We have a landfill and work with acceptance permits and tipping points, is this possible in CIBWAAGE?
My scale does not have a good view of the vehicles or their license plates, are there any options for this as well?
Is it possible to take photos during weighing operations?
I have a scale and on it a software of another supplier, can I still use CIBWAAGE?
We use a dosing control in parallel, can this also be integrated into the process?
Our financial accounting is handled by a tax accountant, can we integrate that into the process as well?
Can CIBDISPO be linked to my existing telematics system?
Does CIBWAAGE support parallel operation of two truck scales (input/output)?
How is CIBDISPO licensed?
Can I use CIBDISPO with different plant control systems?
My company has multiple clients, can CIBFAKTURA handle this?
Can the program manage multiple control keys?
I have a scale and on it a software of another supplier, can I still use CIBWAAGE?
Can CIBFAKTURA automatically transfer delivery bills from external systems?