The fleet under control.
Any time, at any place.
Current location display
Remote download of driver card/vehicle file
Solution specific hardware selection
Historical tracing
Driving and rest times
Solution-specific software for mobile devices
Current logbook location display
Master data management
That's what CIBTRACK does for you!
Real-time monitoring of your vehicles to improve operations and save costs.
The tracking system (black box) installed in the vehicle sends its current GPS location and status at a fixed interval, which is displayed accordingly in CIBTRACK on a map. You also have the possibility to see there your works/stations, as well as the driving direction of the vehicle and its speed.
Keep track of your vehicle fleet at any time. With the help of the integrated reporting CIBTRACK offers the possibility to evaluate your fleet.
More functions, expandable at any time!
Reduction of administrative effort for the readout of driver and vehicle data
Online real-time access to driving and rest times
Vehicle location via tablet, as well as option to digital delivery bill
(CIBDISPO provided)
Integration into your processes
CIBTRACK enables you, if technically possible, to continue using your existing tracking system. Due to our long-standing market presence, we have already developed interfaces to the following providers:
Integration of telematics systems
You already use a telematics system in your fleet? On request, we will be happy to integrate it into CIBDISPO, so you can see the status of your tours directly in the CIBTourenplan. If your tracking system is not listed, please do not hesitate to contact us.
“By using CIBTRACK, we always have an overview of our fleet and can thus avoid unnecessary phone calls with our drivers. It also enables us to react flexibly and adequately to schedule changes.”